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My Story

Another December passed. Along with it, the first year since I launched this initiative, has also passed, in the form of an olfactory picture constructed of vapours and fragrances, instead of the shapes and colours. A channel to communicate, with me as an artist who reveals experiences, and you, dear reader, as a lover of the beautiful ephemeral. We have been preparing this work for 13 months, and today we are starting to discover.

My story, the first one as any beginning, follows the history of the passions for the beautiful, especially the "obsession", as in love, for the olfactory art. The perfume, as an ingredient in this emotionally-conscious tumult, is so complex that I could write hours and hours about what its content, appearance or form expresses, but it is not what I want to talk about today. The first piece of this painting is revealed by the appeal to Emotion, Experiences, Olfactory Memories and the love offered to good taste.

It all started at the age of 8, in a perfume shop, when I began to seriously "work" as an assistant to my aunt, where she works for 27 years, with the essences that surround my world in felt but unseen gleams. I felt bonded with the perfume bottles, of different shapes and scenting understandings and, I always mixed 2 - 3 perfumes on my child skin with a massive certainty that they are…. that there was no one else smelling like me, as a proof of supreme quality control of the unrestrained sense of a child's sincerity.

That's how it all started. Of course, this initial thought is a preamble and another article will follow about moving to the niche perfume shop, which happened 5 years later, adjacent to my first visit to Vienna.

With hugs, Izabela



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 Izabela Corina Juncu – Perfume Consultant & Brand Ambassador

© 2024 Izabela Corina
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