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Perfume – Your personal brand

Niche perfumery consultation with Izabela Corina Juncu


Perfume is your personal brand. No matter where you are and who surrounds you, perfume is a statement - you feel it, you wear it, and you expose a part of yourself with every step.


Perfume is not just your first impression, it's all impressions put together.

Establish a Zoom Call in order to schedule an online appointment for a perfume consultation. Book now

Izabela is going to select 5 perfumes from those brands, perfumes that suits you and your personality.

You will receive on your email a questionnaire that contains 9 questions, which will give Izabela a big picture about your preferences in terms of perfumes.

We are working with more than 60 niche perfume houses in the world. We can provide information about all your inquiries.

Discover informations about this world of perfumery. You can learn how to make the right choice when you are buying your perfume.

This is an unique concept, an experience for you, making the right choice about your perfume. You will always be outstanding, because perfume is an accessory that speaks about your self, about your personality.

The steps of your consultation


You fill in a previously received questionnaire and you already have a Zoom Call meeting with Izabela, where she has already selected 5 perfume houses for you -> choose the 3 most suitable brands.

You will receive samples from niche perfume brands in order to test them at home on your skin. After 1 week you could order your favourite perfume from our shop Residenza dei Profumi.


Book an appointment


Thanks for subscribing!

 Izabela Corina Juncu – Perfume Consultant & Brand Ambassador

© 2024 Izabela Corina
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